Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 15 & 16 Kyoto

We made the paper again! This time in colour!

We took the train from Izumo to Kyoto, the ancient capital of Japan. It took us around 5 hours, and we had just enough time to check into our hotel before we went off to perform a concert.

So Japanese.

We were joined by a local womens' choir for the final piece on the programme. Their director also has a mens' choir which came to Vancouver and sang with Chor Leoni at MusicFest Vancouver about 5 years ago.

With 1000 tickets sold, the concert was pretty well sold out. People were lined up around the block.

This concert was presented by Pana Musica. It is a sheet music store here in Kyoto that specializes in choral music. This was the first time that they have presented a concert. The evening went off so well that we were told it will definitely not be the last.

Some of the awesome staff from Pana Musica.

Marla, the singers' representative to the board, made a very nice speech/presentation to Mr. Hattori, the director of Pana Musica, at a great reception after the concert.

We got aquainted with Mary Blossom... a Japanese merlot.

She was quite unforgiving.

Kyoto is so neat with hundreds of little temples that dot the city.

A little dog temple.

His bite is worse than his bark!

We had the next day off, so some people went sightseeing. We were staying right in the shopping district.

So, when in Rome...



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