Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Day 1 travel

We are on our way.
We arrived at the airport to find we are travelling with hundreds of Japanese school children all dressed in uniform... This makes for one packed 747!

Violet is as ever, in charge and in control!!!! (except she is unfortunately at the end of the queue)

It is little ironic that our trip to Taiwan is scheduled to take less time than it took for us to get to Prince Edward Island this spring. That shows how big Canada is.

I get the pleasure of sitting next to Cameron the "unofficial choir historian" His stories only get better with time. I am sure the flight will "fly" by as I hear how the basses taped the words of the Finnish national anthem on the backs of the altos in the Estonian chamber choir for a "memorized" performance on a live national TV brodcast.
I am sure he will have us rolling down the aisles in no time.

Our destination! (in approx 19 hours)
Tom Ellis


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