It was our day off and I can tell you that I spent a good deal of it in bed. What a whirlwind tour so far. We were very lucky to be the guests of honour at Melissa’s house for dinner. She is the music teacher at Luther College and is our presenter here in Regina. She is such a special person and the whole choir truly loves her very much.
Marla collecting the coats at Melissa’s place.
Melissa’s mom worked day and night to put together this whole Caribbean feast. The smile never left her face once.
She is one of the kindest and most beautiful people I have met. I can see where Melissa’s generous character comes from.
Here we are all hanging out in her rec room.
Gordon brought an orchid as a small token of our appreciation.
Here is the menu:
We found a place to sit and had an enjoyable evening and a great day off.
Dolores was actually a little overwhelmed by the great magical Caribbean spices! (hee hee)
During dinner, John Nelson, a choir director from Regina and fellow guest, came into the dining room. Cameron looked up at him and said, “Camrose, Alberta, Summer 1968... the Workshop Chorale!”
They had sung together 42 years ago. It was Cam’s first professional singing gig and he made $18.00 a day.
The years have been kind to both of them, considering what they have been through.
A great night was had by all, and no one wanted to leave at the end.
A special thanks to the multi-talented Morgans!!!
5 AM came very, very early. We had been flipping back and forth between timezones like ping pong balls. Even though Saskatchewan's time doesn’t change, I was thoroughly confused.
The beautiful prairie sunrise greeted us on our way to the airport where we would be flying to Calgary.
At the Calgary airport we met up with Kathleen, who had had to fly back to Vancouver on our day off to sing a concert with her university choir in order to fulfill her academic obligations. Ironic, no?
A smile like that deserves an A+!!
We then had a rehearsal with the Spiritus Choir in Calgary. We are singing a piece together in tomorrow’s concert.
Then we were set loose for the rest of the day and left to our own devices. We only have one more night of gathering teeny, tiny soaps for our collections.
“I’ll be home tomorrow, honey!”
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